TK-8 District of Choice

English Language Learner Program

Evergreen School District provides English language Development (ELD) instruction for students acquiring English. Research based instructional strategies help students develop the academic English skills needed to succeed in school. 

We strive to help students:

  • Develop fluency in English 
  • Cultivate a positive sense of self 
  • Understand and respect other cultures 
  • Achieve equal access to core academic curriculum
Our English Language Learner Program is based on the California Department of Education’s English Language Development Standards. The goal of Evergreen's program is to ensure that all English learners benefit from the full district curriculum. The program includes professional growth for teachers and parents and many opportunities for families to learn together. Learn more about this program below or for detailed information, please see Evergreen School District's Master Plan.
Language Proficiency Assessment


Programs for English Learners


ELD Standards


Funding and Accountability


Parent and Family Engagement



Master Plan for English Learners


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