TK-8 District of Choice

Board of Trustees

The Evergreen School District Board of Trustees is a five member Board, elected from the school district at large, serving four year terms. Known for open communication, the Board meets once to twice monthly. Regular meetings are open to the public in an effort to keep the community well informed on school district programs, budget, and direction. See Board Meetings for more information.

The role of the Board is to serve as a policy-making body for the school district. The Board is charged with providing the best possible education for the children of the Evergreen School District in accordance with the desires of the community, and federal and state laws. Among the Board's numerous duties is the adoption of the annual budget; approval of expenditures; employment of personnel; approval of the curriculum, textbooks, and courses of study; approval of facility plans and construction contracts. Action can only be taken when the Board is meeting in formal session with a majority of its members present.


To promote achievements for all students in a rigorous and innovative 21st century learning environment of collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.

To provide equitable resources and facilities. Achieve financial stability and sustainability. Attract and retain teachers and staf , especially those with specialized credentials.

To enhance the social-emotional wellbeing of students, teachers, and staff.


Meet the Board of Trustees

Mary Pollett


Mary Hien Pollett, President

Board Member since December 2022
Term expires 2026

Jim Zito


Jim Zito, President Pro-Tem

Board Member since December 2010
Term expires 2026

Dr. Stan Rose


Dr. Stan Rose, Clerk

Board Member since December 2022
Term expires 2026

Patti Andrade


Patti Andrade, Trustee

Board Member since December 2020
Term expires 2028


Jeremy Barousse


Jeremy Barousse, Trustee

Board Member since December 2022
Term expires 2028