TK-8 District of Choice

Housing Instability Support

Evergreen School district is committed to supporting students who meet criteria under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which is a federal law protecting access to a public education when a student experiences unstable housing.

According to the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act, a child is considered homeless if that child lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, such as living:

  • In a shelter (family, domestic violence, or youth shelter or transitional living program)

  • In a motel, hotel or weekly rate housing

  • In shared housing with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss

  • In an abandoned building, in a car, at a campground, or on the street

  • In substandard housing (without electricity, water or heat)

  • With friends or family because you are a runaway or an unaccompanied youth

If you feel your family meets the criteria listed above, your child(ren) may have to right to:

  • Immediate enrollment in the school your child(ren) last attended (school of origin) or the local school where you are currently staying, even if you do not have all the documents normally required at the time of enrollment

  • Continue to attend their school of origin, if requested by you and it is in the best interest

  • *Receive transportation to and from their school of origin, the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children, including free meals and Title I

  • Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth, and their families

  • School Supplies

To enroll in the program, please complete the Housing Instability Survey.

Please note that the information you share will be kept private and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Evergreen School District or a school social worker may contact you about the information you provide on the Housing Questionnaire. If you have questions about your housing status or your child’s eligibility under the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact the McKinney-Vento liaison for Evergreen School District, Marena Doxie at or call 408-270-6832.

*Transportation to school is dependent on how far the student is residing from the school campus.

**Enrollment for this program must be completed each year.

Housing Instability Support
If your family lives in any of the following situations:
  • in a shelter
  • in a motel or campground because you have no alternative
  • in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
  • doubled up with other people because you cannot afford to live someplace else
  • in a garage or other living situation that does not have running water or toilet facilities
Your school-age children may qualify for protection under the federal McKinney-Vento Act

If you believe your children may be eligible, please complete this Housing Instability Survey.

You can also contact your child's school secretary or your local McKinny-Vento liaison, Kim Kianidehkian,