TK-8 District of Choice

Student Retention Process and Guidelines

Students                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BP 5123(a)


The Board of Trustees expects students to progress through each grade level within one school year. Toward this end, instruction shall be designed to accommodate the variety of ways that students learn and provide strategies for addressing academic deficiencies as needed.

Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting grade-level standards of expected student achievement.

When high academic achievement is evident, the teacher may recommend a student for acceleration to a higher grade level. The student's maturity level shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate a student.

Teachers shall identify students who should be retained or who are at risk of being retained at their current grade level as early as possible in the school year and as early in their school careers as practicable. Such students shall be identified at the following grade levels: (Education Code 48070.5)

  1. Between grades 2 and 3
  2. Between grades 3 and 4
  3. Between grades 4 and 5
  4. Between the end of the intermediate grades and the beginning of the middle school grades
  5. Between the end of the middle school grades and the beginning of the high school grades

Students shall be identified for retention on the basis of failure to meet minimum levels of proficiency, as indicated by grades and the following additional indicators of academic achievement:

Grade 2

A grade of or equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient in “Reading Academic Progress” on the district Standard Based Report Card, or an alternative measure of progress in reading. 

Language Alternative

  • 35th percentile on a norm reference test (NRT) for Total Reading.
  • A score of or equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient on the grade level district Writing Assessment or
  • A score of or equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient on the grade level Reading Comprehension/Literary Response and Analysis Standards Assessment Proficiency.

Grade 3

A grade of equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient in “Reading Academic Progress” on the district Standard Based Report Card, or an alternative measure of progress in reading.

Language Alternative

  • 35th percentile on a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for Total Reading or an equivalent score of “Basic” or higher on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Language Arts.
  • A score of or equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient on the grade level district Writing Assessment or
  • A score of or equivalent to Approaching Proficient or Proficient on the grade level Reading Comprehension/Literary Response and Analysis Standards Assessment Proficiency.

Grades 4-6

A grade of D or higher in both reading and math, or an alternative measure of progress in reading or math for the non proficient area.

Language Alternative

  • 35th percentile on a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for Total Reading or an equivalent score of “Basic” or higher on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Language Arts.

Math Alternative

  • 35th percentile on a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for Total Reading or an equivalent score of “Basic” or higher on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for math.

Grades 7-8

An overall G.P.A. of 1.5 or higher and a grade of D or higher in both English and Math, or an alternative measure of progress in reading or math for the non proficient area.

Language Alternative

35th percentile on a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for Total Reading or an equivalent score of “Basic” or higher on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Language Arts.

Math Alternative

35th percentile on a Norm Referenced Test (NRT) for Total Reading or an equivalent score of “Basic” or higher on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for math.

Special Needs Students

The criteria and procedures for promotion, retention and acceleration may not apply to children identified for special education programs. Student progress on the annual Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals and objectives may be used to determine satisfactory progress in the content area of focus in lieu of other criteria.

English Language Learners

Lack of grade-level English language proficiency will not be used as the sole criterion for determining promotion and retention. The following expectations will be used when assessing English Language Learners for promotion and retention:

  • At each regular reporting period, English Language Learners will be evaluated for appropriate progress on the ELD Standards.
  • Beginning their 6th year in a United States public school, English Language Learners will be held to regular grade level benchmarks.

Students between grades 2 and 3 and grades 3 and 4 shall be identified primarily on the basis of their level of proficiency in reading. Proficiency in reading, English language arts, and mathematics shall be the basis for identifying students between grades 4 and 5, between intermediate and middle school grades, and between middle school grades and high school grades. (Education Code 48070.5)

If a student does not have a single regular classroom teacher, the Superintendent or designee shall specify the teacher(s) responsible for the decision to promote or retain the student. (Education Code 48070.5)

The teacher's decision to promote or retain a student may be appealed in accordance with AR 5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention.

When a student is recommended for retention or is identified as being at risk for retention, the Superintendent or designee shall offer an appropriate program of remedial instruction to assist the student in meeting grade-level expectations. (Education Code 48070.5)

Legal Reference:

37252-37254.1 Supplemental instruction
41505-41508 Pupil Retention Block Grant
46300 Method of computing average daily attendance
48010 Admittance to first grade
48011 Promotion/retention following one year of kindergarten
48070-48070.5 Promotion and retention
56345 Elements of individualized education plan
60640-60649 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
60850-60859 Exit examination

200-202 Admission and exclusion of students


Revised: November 13, 2014
Policy adopted: March 21, 2013
San Jose, California