TK-8 District of Choice

Special Education

Special education ensures that the unique needs of students with an IEP are met through additional services, supports, programs, specialized placements, or environments. Special education services are provided to eligible students at no cost to families. The core purpose of special education is to provide specialized academic instruction and intervention, as well as to give students with an IEP access to the same educational programs and/or activities that are available to their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent possible. Special Education provides a full continuum of program options to meet the educational and service needs of individuals with exceptional needs in the Least Restrictive Environment.

Special Education is specialized instruction provided for children from birth to age 22 who qualify according to the laws and regulations outlined by the state and federal government. A student may qualify for special education services as an individual with special needs in one of thirteen areas identified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Click on this link to learn more: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Evergreen School District Special Education Services

  • Special Day Classes (SDC)
  • Resource Specialist Programs (RSP)
  • Preschool Programs
  • Designated Instructional Services (DIS)
    • Speech Therapy
    • Adapted Physical Education (APE)
    • Occupational Therapy (OT)
    • Audiological Services
    • Itinerant Vision Services
    • Counseling Services
    • Behavioral Intervention Services

Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)

In 1977, all school districts and county school offices in California were required to form geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region’s boundaries. Each region became known as a Special Education Local Plan Area – SELPA.

Special education local plan areas provide access to regionalized programs and services but also work to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities across California.

Evergreen School District is part of the South East SELPA that coordinates with 11 school districts and the Santa Clara County Office of Education to provide a continuum of programs and services for individuals with disabilities, from birth through 22 years of age.  Additionally, the SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) parent group provides support, information, training opportunities, and valuable resources for parents, guardians and the local community. The SE SELPA Office is located in Mt. Pleasant School District.  For more information about SELPA and the CAC please visit the SE SELPA website at

The SELPA Local Plan including the Annual Budget and Services Plans, Public Hearing Notices, and Executive Council Meeting agendas can be found here (with this link to the SELPA website).