Parent/Guardian Handbook
Welcome to Evergreen School District's 2024-2025 Parent/Guardian Handbook.
This annual Parent Handbook is intended as a resource for our families and community. The Evergreen School District Board of Trustees encourages and supports the collaborative efforts of parents and school personnel to provide a safe, orderly, and positive learning environment for students and other members of the school community.
Each student is responsible for his/her own acceptable behavior as well as the protection of other students' rights to due process and to fair and just treatment. Please read and use this handbook to answer any questions. This online handbook was updated in August 2023.
State law and Board Policy may change over the school year. The online version of the Handbook is updated more frequently than the print version, to reflect ESD policy and protocols.
Download a PDF version of the 2024-25 Handbook
The Evergreen School District Parent Handbook and Annual Parent Acknowledgement and Consent Form are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese at your school site upon request.
El Manual de Padres del Distrito Escolar de Evergreen y Reconocimiento Anual de Padres y Forma de Consentimiento están disponibles en Inglés, Español y Vietnamita en su escuela a la solicitud.
Quyển sổ tay của học khu Evergreen dành cho phụ huynh và s ự tường tận hằ ng n ăm của phụ huynh và giấy chấp thu ận đã có bằng tiếng Anh, Tây Ban Nha, và ti ếng Việt tại trường của quý vị theo sự yêu cầu.
Updated August 30, 2023