TK-8 District of Choice

Healthy Schools Act of 2000

Notice to all students, parents/guardians and employees of the Evergreen School District:

Assembly Bill 2260 went into effect on January 1, 2001. This legislation enacted Education Code sections 17608 et seq. which require, among other things, that school districts notify parents and staff about the use of pesticides at school. The purpose of this legislation is to reduce exposure to toxic pesticides through information and application of an integrated pest management system at schools. Towards this end, and pursuant to the requirements of this legislation, please be advised of the following:

The Evergreen School District expects to use the following pesticides at its campuses during the upcoming year:

Pesticide/Herbicide E.P.A. Reg. Number Active Ingredient(s)
Round Up 524-475 Glyphosate
Turflon 17545-8


Surflan 70506-44 Olyzalin &Dipropysulfanilamide
Termidor 7969-210 Fipronil
Tenguard   Permethrin
Suspend   Deltamethrin
Eco Excempt N/A Rosemary Oil, Peppermint Oil
Tempo 432-1377 Cufluthrine
Gentrol IGR Concentrate 2724-351 Hydroprene
Maxforce Ant Bait 64248-10 Fipronil
Contrac Rodent Bait 12455-79 Bromadiolone
Pre-cor   Methoprene
Maxforce Roach Bait   Fipronil
Eco Exempt G N/A Clove Oil, Thyme Oil
Avert 499-294 Abamectin B1
DuPont Advion Ant Gel 352-746 Indoxcarb
DuPont Advion Roach Bait 352-652 Inoxacarb
CB-80 Extra 9444-175 Pyrethrins
EcoExempt Jet N/A 2-Phenethyl Proplonate, Rosemary Oil
Gentrol Point Source 2724-469 Hydroprene
Wasp-Freeze 499-362 d-trans Allethrin, Phenothrin
Talpirid 12455-101 Bromethalin

Parents/guardians of the Evergreen School District can register with the District’s designee,

Michael Butler, Director of Operations

Telephone: 408-270-6800

to receive notification of individual pesticide applications. Persons who register for this notification shall be notified at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the application, except in emergencies, and will be provided the name and active ingredient(s) of the pesticide as well as the intended date of application.

If you wish to access information on pesticides and pesticide use reduction developed by the Department of Pesticide Regulation pursuant to California Food and Agricultural Code section 13184, you can do so by accessing the Department’s web-site at