TK-8 District of Choice

Chapter Two: Instructional Programs

ELD Standards and ELD Program Goals

Evergreen School District uses the updated California English Language Development Standards which align with the  Common Core State Standards.  These standards are used to measure the educational progress of Evergreen’s English learners and to implement research-based instructional strategies to help students reach their highest level of academic potential, performance,  and success.

The goals of Evergreen School District English Language Development (ELD) program are for each English learner  to obtain proficiency in English, develop mastery of the attributes of Evergreen’s Profile of a Learner, and mastery of the ELD and Common Core State Standards.  To this end, it is necessary that English be learned thoroughly.  The primary language of the students will be used whenever possible in an instructional and educationally supportive manner in order to sustain academic achievement while students acquire English. Most experts agree that it takes between five to seven years to develop language proficiency with oral language generally developing more quickly than academic English proficiency.

Through a balanced ELD Program, students are taught appropriately in a natural and meaningful setting calling upon the integration of many aspects of the child’s experience.  This program also supports the development in the primary language for the child, which coincides with learning  English.

To develop a rich and varied language foundation in English as soon as possible, ELs will receive a program of instruction based on the Common Core State Standards and will be offered varied program options.

The Big Picture (Program Options)

Differentiated Instruction

  • Occurs in the English mainstream classroom with Language Development integrated throughout curriculum

Structured English Immersion (SEI)

  • Educating language minority students in English
  • Based on principles and research in second language acquisition
  • Utilizes ELD and SDAIE approaches within an integrated Language Arts curriculum and thematic lesson design

Integrated ELD/SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English)

  • Develop language in content areas
  • Grade level content is presented
  • Primary language (L1) may be used for clarification when necessary


  • Students receive Designated ELD from their classroom teachers
  • EL 1s and 2s receive additional support from paraprofessionals, EL Assistants
  • Designated time to develop proficiency in English
  • Learning content knowledge may be a by-product
  • Instructional content is based on students’ English proficiency level (Emerging, Bridging, Expanding)
  • Subject matter is taught in English

Dual Language Immersion

  • Development of bilingualism and biliteracy
  • Academic achievement in Spanish and English
  • Cross cultural understanding for all students