TK-8 District of Choice

Chapter Three: Student Progress

“If it’s not monitored, it’s considered optional.  Our work is not optional.” - Karen Kendall

Monitoring of Student Progress and Reclassification

Student progress is monitored annually, based on a set of district-adopted assessments.  These assessments are used to determine English language proficiency, evaluate students’ language proficiency, and evaluate students’ language growth and academic performance.  Student progress is monitored with formative assessments that are given throughout the school year in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

District Assessments

District assessments are the  same as those used with English Only (EO) and Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) students in the mainstream program.  These include the state mandated tests California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), California Science Tests (CAST) and California Alternate Assessment (CAA), which are taken by all students regardless of their language classification. The Alternate ELPAC will be given to students with IEPs who are English learners and possess cognitive disabilities which prevent them from taking the ELPAC. The IEP must indicate the student is eligible for the Alternate ELPAC. The EL program shall also provide positive reinforcement of the self-image, promote cross-cultural understanding and provide equal opportunity for academic achievement (Ed. Code 52161).

Use of Assessment Data for Instructional Planning

Teachers use the language arts and mathematics curriculum-embedded assessments to review student progress and plan modifications in instruction and classroom interventions as appropriate.  ELPAC annual data is used for instructional grouping in ELD at the elementary level, and placement in the appropriate ELD courses at the middle school.  i-Ready ELA Diagnostic data will also be used to inform instruction.

Annual Review of Student Progress

Each fall, the ELD department collects and reviews the CAASPP test results, the latest official ELPAC scores, other assessment data, student grades, teachers’ recommendations, and parent input.  On the basis of this collaboration, the ELD department will identify those students who are eligible for reclassification and those requiring continued support services.
