Chapter Seven: Funding and Resources
- ELD Funding and Resources
- LCAP Funds
- Additional EL Support Programs
- Induction ProgramĀ (ED Code 44259(c)
- Before/After School Intervention/Enrichment Programs
ELD Funding and Resources
Funds are allocated following the funding mandates prescribed by Education Code, state regulations and district policies. LCAP and other categorical funds are used to supplement the core educational program and not to supplant general fund monies. The core program is supported by the general fund. Expenditures are audited annually by the district’s Business Office and by external audit.
The following process is used to develop plans for program operations and improvement, and the consequent allocation of funds.
- The district cohort of Administrators, Board Members, Cabinet Members, Community Members, Parents and Teachers brainstorm goals and objectives. They are then categorized and prioritized and placed on the implementation calendar. The committee results are approved by the board and presented to the greater community. This plan is to meet the needs of all students.
- Funding is based on the Consolidated Application. The Consolidated Application is presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.
- The principal coordinates development of the school level plan and prioritization of needs based on data. The principal meets with the School Site Council and ELAC groups before the school plan and budgets are approved by the Board of Trustees. The principal assures parents and staff are informed about funding and the site plan.
- Site and District Advisory Committees take the following roles in monitoring the budgets:
- The School Site Council provides input regarding school plan development/revision and approves the school plan.
- ELAC members advise and give input on the school plan and school budget.
- DELAC gives input on the district level plan.
- The district uses the General Fund to provide the base program for all students. This includes core curricular materials, instructional supplies, teachers’ salaries and other district services (for example, transportation, library, Special Education, food health and counseling) as well as support systems for monitoring program implementation and student progress, and for program evaluation. Core materials in Language Arts and mathematics provide universal access supplements to help ensure ELs have access to the core curriculum. The base program also includes District adopted ELD program materials.
LCAP Funds
LCAP funds are used to supplement the core program. They are integrated with other supplemental funding sources. These funds are used for supplemental services such as:
- Employment of supplemental teachers
- Paraprofessionals
- Purchase of supplemental teaching materials
- In-service training for teachers and paraprofessionals to develop instructional skills
- Support for parent involvement activities
- Translation services
- Other reasonable expenses related to the program
Services provided through LCAP funds are designed to ensure that ELs develop full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible, and to ensure that they recoup any academic deficits that may have developed in other areas of the core curriculum as a result of language barriers. Allocations are used for schools who are identified with the most need based on the Consolidated Application.
Title I Part A
School-wide programs under Title I permit a school to use funds from Title I to raise achievement for all students and improve the entire educational program of the school. School-wide funds can be used to support their programs in a flexible manner. All reform strategies must increase the amount and quality of learning and help provide a high-quality curriculum for students according to the comprehensive plan to help students meet the state’s challenging standards.
Title I Part C (Migrant)
Evergreen School District partners with the Santa Clara County of Education to strengthen the school, community, and family experiences of children and their families participating in the Migrant Education program.
Program Opportunities include the following for students and/or parents:
- Leadership conferences/workshops for parents
- Health information
- Additional instructional materials
- Mini-corps program
Title III/LEP (Limited English Proficiency)
The federal Title III program is now merged with the Title I program, and provides funds for supplementary programs and services for English learners. Required activities include providing instruction and instructional support services related to English language development and academic progress in the core curriculum in a manner that allows ELs to meet and exceed the Common Core State Standards.
Programs must provide staff development opportunities to school staff assigned to the ELs. Title III funds may also be used for a variety of instructional support, curriculum development, parental involvement, and related EL program activities.
Additional EL Support Programs
Induction ProgramĀ (ED Code 44259(c)
Specified teachers participate in a beginning teacher induction program in order to obtain their Professional Clear Credential. It also provides professional development for new teachers in all curricular areas. The English Learner Department and beginning teacher induction program collaborate and work closely to obtain and maintain the most highly qualified teachers for our English learners.
Before/After School Intervention/Enrichment Programs
Site administrators are responsible for providing appropriate interventions at their sites for English learners. The data is analyzed and the appropriate parent groups are responsible for collaboration on the completion of the School Plan and to monitor site programs.
The specified interventions are written into the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).