TK-8 District of Choice

Chapter Four: Staffing and Professional Growth

Collaborative Staff Development in Evergreen

Evergreen School District provides rigorous and high quality staff development that is both dynamic and up-to-date.  Our trainings are designed to enhance the teacher’s skill and understanding of current, research-based practices and curriculum to improve instructional strategies and assessment for EL students.


The District ensures that all teaching personnel whose assignment includes teaching English learners have appropriate certification to provide necessary instructional services to ELs.  All teachers are highly qualified.

Professional Development

Professional development includes training for all staff who work with ELs, including administrators, ELD Instructional Assistants, teachers, and other district personnel.  The training will address the following:

  • Master Plan policies, procedures and guidelines
  • EL program design and options
  • Designated and Integrated ELD and other specified areas of focus
  • Parent outreach to ensure informed consent and understanding of program options for their child
  • The California English Learner Roadmap

Principals work with their teachers to develop schedules which ensure English learners receive Integrated and Designated ELD instruction.

Classified Staff

Placement of ELD paraprofessionals at sites is determined by the number of English learners at each site. Schools receiving Title I funds are prioritized. ELD Instructional Assistants provide classroom push in support to EL1s and 2s. When available ELD Instructional Assistants may provide translation support at parent-teacher conferences.