Chapter Five: Parent and Community Involvement
Each school with 21 or more English language learners must establish a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).
ELAC Requirements
Members are chosen by election. All parents/guardians of English learners have an opportunity to vote. Members receive materials and training related to carrying out their legal responsibilities. The ELAC advises the principal and staff on mandated topics related to English Language Learners such as the following:
- Master Plan for English Learners
- Parent Needs Assessment
- School Attendance
- Review Identification and Assessment (ELPAC Data) of English learners
- Overview of Program Options for English learners
- Reclassification Procedures
Members elect representatives to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). The site administrator and Director of Educational Services annually review the implementation of the ELAC in order to ensure that all requirements are met. All site ELAC documentation (calendar of ELAC meeting dates, minutes and agendas) must be kept at the site and a copy must be sent to the Director of Educational Services.
Implementation of the Site ELAC
- The site principal is responsible for establishing the ELAC. The principal or designee coordinates meetings and communication. The elected officers are trained to conduct and/or help facilitate the meetings.
- Elections are held by the end of September enabling participants to be trained at the District Office by mid-October. Membership composition must reflect the percentage of English Language Learners in the school. Membership includes parents and possibly school staff. If a member must be replaced, the replacement serves for the remainder of the year.
ELAC Roles and Responsibilities
- The Educational Services Department will provide training on establishment of ELAC to site administrators and site personnel.
- The principal and parents should collaborate to plan the meetings in order to meet the needs of parents. Agendas should address mandated topics.
- The principal plans the agenda with the ELAC chairperson prior to each meeting.
- Meeting dates are determined and publicized in English and other languages.
- Childcare should be provided if necessary and available.
- The ELAC may develop and adopt bylaws and elect officers.
The District English Learner Advisory Committee
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) advises the district on a wide range of issues relating to the improvement of curriculum and instruction for English learners. It is composed of elected parents from each site in the district.
The DELAC annually advises the Board of Trustees on the following:
- The monitoring of the district Master Plan for English Learners considering all school site plans
- A district wide needs assessment
- The district program, goals and objectives for English learners
- Review and comment on the school district reclassification procedures
- Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians
Other DELAC implementation provisions include:
- DELAC meeting topics include: LCAP Update & Plan Development; Programs and Services for English learners; Assessment, Data and Accountability; English learner progress monitoring and reclassification; District plan for English learners/Title III Plan
- The DELAC operates according to state guidelines and the Brown Act.
- The Director of Educational Services or designee serves as the district liaison to the DELAC.
- The director assists with agenda preparation, meeting notices, arrangements for meetings, and all communications pertaining to DELAC.
- The DELAC will communicate their ongoing advice to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees
- The DELAC chairperson can preside or help facilitate with the Director of Educational Services. The director will preside in his or her absence.
- The district provides all DELAC members with appropriate training, materials, and information needed to carry out their responsibilities and duties.
- DELAC minutes will be kept in the district files.
To help parents effectively assist their children toward educational success and advocate for their children within the schools and community, the school and district will do the following:
- Provide translations and interpretation of school information for all dominant languages whenever possible.
- When 15% or more of the school’s students are speakers of the same language, the school will provide written translations of school information whenever possible.
- Interpretations/translations are made available for parent/teacher conferences, ELAC, DELAC, SST, suspension/expulsion and for any other pertinent communication and/or meetings.
- Parent meetings should be parent friendly; with childcare if available, include translations, and light refreshments when possible.
Many district sponsored events are held during the year to promote parent involvement and parent/student collaboration:
- EL Parent Nights
- Site Family Nights
- Site Back to School Nights
- Title I Mini-Conferences
- Parent Workshops
- Reclassification Celebration/Pathway Awards
Updated: November 2024