TK-8 District of Choice

Chapter Eight: California English Learner Roadmap

Educational Programs and Services for English Learners

On July 12, 2017, the California state Board of Education unanimously adopted a new policy for English learners, the California English Learner Roadmap: Educational Programs and Services for English learners.  This policy supersedes the 1998 English learner policy which was based upon Proposition 227.

The new English learner policy explicitly focuses on English learners in the context of the state’s efforts to improve the educational system, the quality of teaching and learning, and educational outcomes.  It centers on standards, curriculum frameworks, assessment, accountability/school improvement, educator quality, early childhood/preschool, social and family support services, and parent/community involvement.  Its purpose is to promote local capacity-building and continuous improvement in each of these areas and their interrelationship, based on evidence of effectiveness from local experience as well as the most current rigorous research evidence that speaks to the strengths and needs of the diverse population of English learners.

The primary intended audience are Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the county offices of education as well as other agencies that provide them with technical assistance.  But every agency responsible for the education of children, including early childhood educators, institutions of higher education, credentialing bodies, and professional and advocacy organizations are also part of the intended audience.  As a state whose prosperity depends on the success of immigrants and their children, we hope that each Californian can adopt this vision and our educational mission.