TK-8 District of Choice


English Learner Committees


ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee)

An ELAC committee is required if there are more than 21 English Learners at any particular school. For more information about a specific school site, please contact that school site's ELAC chair or office staff.


District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)

The District English Language Advisory Committee is comprised of parents and administrators who come together to discuss and collaborate on various topics related to English language learners. The Committee is responsible for assisting in District needs assessment, establishing the goals for the English Language Development Program and for reviewing and commenting on the District re-designation criteria, standards and procedures. All parents are welcome and invited to attend.

Meeting participants have the option to attend meetings in person located in the Educational Services Building, 3188 Quimby Road, in the Teacher Center or virtually through Zoom webinar. Remote participants will be required to pre-register to attend via Zoom webinar. A registration link will be provided prior to each meeting.

DELAC Bylaws - English
DELAC Bylaws - Spanish

DELAC Meetings 2024-2025

Agenda Topic: Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
  • Assessment Data
  • Parent Involvement
Agenda Topic: Federal Funding
  • Title III Update
  • Equitable Access
Agenda Topic: Educational Partner Engagement
  • Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Agenda Topic: English Learner Master Plan
  • Home Language Survey
  • English Learner Progress
Agenda Topic: Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services Plan (CCEIS)
  • DELAC/DAC Annual Needs Assessment