Homeschooling Program
Virtual Pathways: A Partnership Between Parents & Evergreen School District
Virtual Pathways is Evergreen School District’s homeschool program for K -8th grade families who are interested in a homeschooling program, where the parents are involved in most aspects of the student’s learning and schooling process, and who also want the support of a credentialed teacher for goal-setting, one on one meeting and guidance.
- Virtual Pathways, a virtual homeschooling program for grades K-8.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open Spring 2024. The program will begin on August 19, 2024.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER for the 2023-2024 school year is March 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Highlights of the Evergreen Virtual Pathways Program
Virtual Pathways (Grades K-8)
Virtual Pathways, for grades kinder through eight, is a flexible alternative education program through which students learn standards-based curriculum in a virtual setting. This program provides parents the opportunity to teach their child at home under the guidance of a credentialed teacher/learning coach. Parents have the flexibility to teach and students have the flexibility to learn at their own pace. Parents and students meet virtually with their learning coach biweekly to discuss instructional strategies and progress towards or exceeding grade level expectations, as well as develop a learning plan and provide guidance. Each student is issued a Chromebook. Students in grades K-8th log into the program five times a week learning Language Arts (reading and writing), math, science, and social studies daily. More information can be found on our Virtual Pathways grades K-8 program page.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How often do we meet with our learning coach and what do we need to bring to that meeting?
- What makes up the work samples that you collect?
- How many hours of school does my student need to do?
- What happens if my child is ill?
- How is my student’s work evaluated?
How often do we meet with our learning coach and what do we need to bring to that meeting?
What makes up the work samples that you collect?
How many hours of school does my student need to do?
What happens if my child is ill?
How is my student’s work evaluated?
How to Enroll
Steps for enrolling in Virtual Pathways:
- Review the information on this page to understand if the program is right for your family.
- Request enrollment by completing this Intent to Enroll. If you are enrolled in the Evergreen School District, please request the Intent to Enroll form from your school front office.
- If new to Evergreen School District, please visit the district office at 3188 Quimby Road, San Jose CA. 95148 and complete the Intent to Enroll. Official transcript will need to be attached to the Intent to Enroll form.
- Families will be contacted to determine program eligibility.
- Deadline to submit the Intent to Enroll for the 2023-2024 school year is March 1, 2024.
- Submissions of the Intent to Enroll forms for the 2024-2025 school year will open in the Spring of 2024.
Program Contact
Email for more information.