TK-8 District of Choice

School Meal Program

Child Nutrition Services operates under the regulations and guidance of the National School Lunch Program. It is a federal and state assisted program that provides nutritious and well-balanced meals at low or no cost to children each school day. The school meal program is a self-sufficient operation with revenue sources coming from USDA reimbursement, student and adult meals, and a la carte sales.

Universal Meals are here! Students will receive a free breakfast and lunch each day school is in session.
The best deal is a five star meal
5 Star Meal Plate Learn More
Each meal is planned based on the meal pattern set forth by the USDA. There are five required components which make up each star of our meal: fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and meat/meat alternate. A student must select a minimum of three different components or stars, including a ½ cup of fruit or vegetable for optimal nutrition and best value.


Five Star Meal Prices

Under the School Meals for All Act of 2021, California K-12 public school students will receive two free meals every day school is in session.

Price Category Breakfast Lunch
Students Eligible for Free Meals No charge No charge
Students Eligible for Reduced Meals No charge No charge
Students Paying Full Price Meals No charge No charge
Adult Meals $4.50 $6.00

Breakfast is available at no cost to all students in Evergreen School District.

A la Carte Items

Item Price
Low Fat or Fat Free Milk $0.75
100% Fruit Juice $0.75
Bottled Water $1.00
Whole Grain Snack $1.00

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