Frequently Asked Questions
Menu & Food
- What's on the menu today?
- How healthy are school meals?
- What are reimbursable meals or 5 Star Meals?
- Does my child have choices?
- My child has an allergy. How do I know what’s in the food?
- Can you make a meal substitution for my child?
- Can I bring treats to the school for my child’s birthday?
What's on the menu today?
How healthy are school meals?
What are reimbursable meals or 5 Star Meals?
Does my child have choices?
My child has an allergy. How do I know what’s in the food?
Can you make a meal substitution for my child?
Can I bring treats to the school for my child’s birthday?
Cost, Meal Accounts, Payments
- How much do meals cost?
- What is included in the price of the meal?
- What if I only want to take milk or juice to supplement my lunch from home?
- What is a la carte?
- How do I pay for meals?
- How do I receive a refund?
- What is my current account balance?
- What happens if my child forgets their lunch money?
- Can I transfer funds from one student to another?
How much do meals cost?
What is included in the price of the meal?
What if I only want to take milk or juice to supplement my lunch from home?
What is a la carte?
How do I pay for meals?
How do I receive a refund?
What is my current account balance?
What happens if my child forgets their lunch money?
Can I transfer funds from one student to another?
Free and Reduced Price Meals
- Can I get a discount on meals?
- How do I apply?
- When can I apply?
- Has my lunch application been processed?
- What is Provision 2?
- Can I get another copy of my eligibility letter?
- Why is one of my children approved for meals but their sibling was not included on the eligibility letter?
- What are the eligibility standards for free and reduced price meals?
- What income is counted in determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals?
- If a child and the child’s parent live with the child’s grandparent, must the grandparent’s income be included on the application for free and reduced price meals?
- How are cases of joint custody treated?
Can I get a discount on meals?
How do I apply?
When can I apply?
Has my lunch application been processed?
What is Provision 2?
Can I get another copy of my eligibility letter?
Why is one of my children approved for meals but their sibling was not included on the eligibility letter?
What are the eligibility standards for free and reduced price meals?
What income is counted in determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals?
If a child and the child’s parent live with the child’s grandparent, must the grandparent’s income be included on the application for free and reduced price meals?
How are cases of joint custody treated?
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