Contact Us
Business Office
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (408) 270–6846
Fax: (408) 270–3894
3188 Quimby Road
San Jose, CA 95148-3099(opens in new window/tab)
Department Points of Contact
Chief Business Officer
Ext. 6846
Business Services Specialist
Ext. 6846
- Workers Compensation Claims
- Student Accidents
- Property & Liability Insurance/Claims
- Use of District Facilities
- Contracts
- Lindstrom Technology Learning Center Reservations
Last Names A-K
Certificated and Classified Permanent Employee Payroll
10th of the Month (Classified Substitutes & Noon Aides)
Last Names L-Z
Certificated and Classified Permanent Employee Payroll
10th of the Month (Classified Substitutes & Noon Aides)
Ext. 6849
- Accounts Receivable (Payments to District)
- Attendance Accounting
- Student Teacher Stipend & Class Size Stipend
- Revolving Fund and Petty Cash Accounting
- Construction Accounting
- Transportation Accounting (Charges to Sites)
Payroll / Accounting Analyst
Ext. 6861
- 10th of the Month Payroll (Certificated Substitutes)
- Medical, Dental and Long Term Disability Insurance for Employees
Payroll / Accounting Analyst
Ext. 6847
- Student Body Accounting
- Insurance Accounting for Life Insurances, Cancer Insurance
- Retirees
- Cafeteria (CNS) Accounting
- School Site Deposits
Accounting Technician
Ext. 6819
- School Site Budgets
- School Site Accounting
- Title 1 Accounting
Account Assistant II
Ext. 6822
- Accounts Payable
- Measure H Parcel Tax
Account Assistant II
Ext. 6863
- Staff Reimbursements
- Student Activity Accounting
- Office Depot Invoices
- Measure H Parcel Tax
Purchasing Analyst
Ext. 6857
- Purchase Orders
- Stores Orders
- Service Agreements
- Bids & Quotes for District Wide Purchases
- Bid Procedures per Public Contract Code
- Contractor Prequalification Process
Warehouse Driver/Delivery
(408) 270-6862
- Warehouse Receiving
- District Stores Deliveries